[rt-devel] Re: RT 3.0.7pre2

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Mon Nov 10 07:26:55 EST 2003

J. Sloan wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
>>You could track throught rt-commit mailing list.
>>	http://lists.fsck.com/mailman/listinfo/rt-commit
>>You could track throught rt anon cvs:
>>	http://bestpractical.com/rt/cvs.html
>>You could track throught aegis web UI:
>>	http://fsck.com/aegis/aegis.cgi?file@proj_menu+project@rt.3.0
> Thanks for a practical response, Ruslan, but trying to work out 'which
> files/functions have changed from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7' from that isn't so easy.
> If I could write a report of 'which files have been modified since
> such-and-such a date' to run across the data that aegis is reporting, that
> would give me what I need, but doing this via the web (or via CVS) isn't
> so simple.
I wish such feature too, but now I don't know any tricks to do such 
report. I just do 'diff -NrubB ... ...' on fresh untarred RT tarballs 
when I'm going to update. I've tried to write script and use BitKeeper 
for better merging changes, but my Employer don't want to know anything 
about maintaining RT code so I don't have time to finish it.

			Good luck. Ruslan.

If you would know how to do date-to-date diff then please write me also :)
> It was just a thought.  I can always diff the new version files against my
> current version files, but it would be nice not to have to.
> John
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