[rt-devel] problem with Mason and script_name

Matthias F. Brandstetter haimat at lame.at
Tue Nov 18 08:27:45 EST 2003

Hi all,

I am at installing RT3 and have a little problem with HTML::Mason. After 
setting everything up, I get the following error when I try to access RT3:

Can't locate object method "script_name" via package 
"HTML::Mason::FakeApache" at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML/Mason/FakeApache.pm line 73.

I looked at this FakeApache.pm line 73, there is indeed this line:

$self->{uri} ||= $self->script_name . $self->path_info || '';

Since the error msg says that there is no object method for "script_name", 
I searched for it:

root at mx2:/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/HTML# grep -ir 'script_name' *
Mason/FakeApache.pm: $self->{uri} ||= $self->script_name . $self->path_info 
|| '';

(outout is one line)
So, it seems that there is really no object method for this "script_name". 
Good, and now? Could somebdody tell me what to do now? I have no idea 
where to get this "script_name" from :(

Greetings and TIA, Matthias

They said the same thing about Urkle; that little snot.  Boy I'd like
to smack that kid.

		-- Homer Simpson
		   Bart Gets Famous

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