[rt-devel] RT/apache creating many directories in /tmp

Sergey Tsvetukhin tsv at ot.ru
Sat Nov 22 09:11:26 EST 2003

Jeff Sheltren wrote:
> Hi, I'm currently running RT 3.0.5 on a redhat 9 machine with apache
> 1.3.  I am getting a ton of directories left in /tmp which apache/rt
> never cleans up, so I have to do so manually.  The directories are owned
> by apache and have names like:
> 0ycv4AVG3W
> 13d27J4urr

as i know it is a MIME::Entry problem
directory name is 10 symbols

I solved this problem via crontab:

# crontab -l

10 1 * * * (find /tmp -user webserv -group webgroup -name "??????????" 
-atime +1 | xargs rm -rf )

> The directories seem to be created when a new email is sent to the RT
> address and a ticket is created (although I'm not positive on this).  In
> my searches around the lists I've found a couple of scripts to help
> clean these directories up, but I haven't seen any type of patch for RT
> to prevent the directories from being created.  Has this been addressed
> in a newer version than 3.0.5?
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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