[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] rt3.0.7_01 rt_setup_database fails w/postgres

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Nov 27 01:06:27 EST 2003

On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 09:31:49PM -0500, McKinlay, Ken wrote:
> sbin/rt-setup-database from 3.0.7_01 dies when I try to initialize a
> postgresql database. From what I can tell, it's choking on the
> transaction "BEGIN" at the top of Pg.schema, but I didn't dig into
> rt-setup-database enough to be sure.

So, it appears as if the author of DBD::Pg has released a new version in
the past week or so that changes the semantics of how postgres copes
with transactionalization. On top of that, it appears that it won't
build on my development box. Which does make testing fixes difficult.

Can anyone being bitten by this confirm that simply removing the BEGIN
and COMMIT from the postgres datafile fixes this issue?


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