[rt-devel] rt3.0.7_01 rt_setup_database fails w/postgres

Vivek Khera khera at kcilink.com
Sun Nov 30 05:07:35 EST 2003

>>>>> "AI" == Abraham Ingersoll <abe at dajoba.com> writes:

AI> 	perl-DBI version 1.38, DBD::Pg version 1.31

Try dropping back to DBD::Pg 1.22.  I've been experiencing 1.31
dumping core within mod_perl under both Perl 5.6.1 and 5.8.2 and Pg
7.2 and 7.4.  I haven't had non-modperl core dumps but it could be
related.  DBD::Pg 1.22 has been rock stable for me.

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