[rt-devel] extending rt3 classes? (fwd)

Ross Patterson Ross.Patterson at CatchFS.Com
Thu Oct 9 15:28:28 EDT 2003

On Thursday 09 October 2003 02:54 pm, Alex Porras wrote:
> I did notice that.  Maybe I'm confused with the purpose of the _Overlay
> and _Local structure.  

These two techiques allow for replacement of object methods by the RT authors 
(*-_Overlay.pm) or your site (*_Local.pm).  I don't think that's what you 
were asking how to do.

> With subclassing, I could create a class
> just like ticket and have the web inteface use it, and ticket would be
> left alone.  

I think you're asking "How do I subclass an existing RT object?"?  Since RT 
just uses the native Perl OO facilities, "man perlboot" should help you 
understand how that works.  But simply put, your "RT::MyTicketLikeThing" 
object would be implented in [prefix]/html/share/RT/MyTicketLikeThing.pm and 
should contain the line "@ISA=qw(RT::Ticket);" which tells Perl what your 
superclass is.
Ross A. Patterson
Chief Technology Officer
CatchFIRE Systems, Inc.
5885 Trinity Parkway, Suite 220
Centreville, VA  20120
(703) 563-4164

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