[rt-devel] Slow Queries part3, Groups

Matthew Watson mwatson at netspace.net.au
Wed Oct 15 22:43:31 EDT 2003

This is what I ended up doing. I'm hoping it doesn't break anything,
I couldn't see anything obvious broken.

Cheers for the suggestion.

btw.. this cuts the page load time down to about .2 seconds.

Matt Watson
Netspace Online Systems.

> Another solution, which might be cheating, is to add another argument
> to WithRight -- IncludeRoleRights, default to 1.  (Going back to the
> original reason here of building a list of possible owners) While
> "Owner" implies certain rights, the list of possible owners comes from
> the Queue, so there's no reason to even perform the Role search
> (second half above).  You then test for IncludeRoleRights on the line
> ( if ( defined $args{'Object'} ) { ) that guards the building of the
> RoleRight part of the query.
> A little wave of the magic wand, and simple searches run faster.  tada!
> -R

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