[rt-devel] Create queues per mail with different mail addres per queue, how does it work?

Guillaume Perréal perreal at lyon.cemagref.fr
Mon Oct 27 10:46:45 EST 2003

Here's partial response.

Senoner Samuel a écrit :

> I want to setup that I can send a ticket to a queue using a specific 
> mail address.
> I didn't understand what and how the settings are important.
> Please help me!
> How important is it to set in the queue the correspondence and comment 
> address?

They just need to be valid email addresses that your mail server 
accepts. RT puts them only in *outgoing* mails and don't really care 
about them in *ingoing* ones (but your MTA will...).

> I already created in my aliases file a line with my queue.
> What do I have to set in my mailserver? I use exim.

I'm using Postfix but i'll try anyway...

>  I think it has something to do with exim because if I don't send to 
> rt at rt <mailto:rt at rt>..... I get the following error in my exim mainlog:
> verify failed for SMTP recipient AAA at rt <mailto:AAA at rt>....... from

Hmm.. exim don't know about AAA at rt...

>   the name of my test queue is AAA and I set the correspondence 
> address to aaa at rt <mailto:aaa at rt>....
> And here the first line of my aliases file:
> rt: "|/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --queue AAA --action correspond --url 
> https://localhost:443/rt"

This line only defines rt at rt, not AAA at rt. I think you should add :

aaa: "|/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --queue AAA --action correspond --url https://localhost:443/rt"

in order to handle mails for the "aaa" alias, and so on for each of your 
queue addresses.

Guillaume Perréal.

Responsable informatique,
Cemagref, groupement de Lyon,

Tél: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
Site: http://www.lyon.cemagref.fr/

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