[rt-devel] rt-crontool problems
Senoner Samuel
Samuel.Senoner at eurac.edu
Thu Sep 11 03:19:40 EDT 2003
Added two empty lines. Same problem.
Does rt-crontool with e-mail notification work in your RT3?
rt:~# rt-crontool --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue --search-arg
Helk --condition RT::Condition::Overdue --action RT::Action::SendEmail
--template-id 13 --verbose
[Thu Sep 11 08:12:11 2003] [error]: error: unexpected end of header
49: Condition matches...
[Thu Sep 11 08:12:11 2003] [error]: error: unexpected end of header
51: Condition matches...
[Thu Sep 11 08:12:11 2003] [error]: error: unexpected end of header
52: Condition matches...
[Thu Sep 11 08:12:11 2003] [error]: error: unexpected end of header
54: Condition matches...
-----Original Message-----
From: Ruslan U. Zakirov [mailto:cubic at acronis.ru]
Sent: Wednesday,10 September,2003 12:53
To: Senoner Samuel
Try to put two empty lines at the top of your template #13.
Senoner Samuel wrote:
>Have you found a possibility to use rt-crontool?
>I saw that our bug requests haven't been changed.
>Also nobody could explain to me how rt-crontool works with the
>TransactionObj variable.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stephen Quinney
>[mailto:stephen.quinney at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk]
>Sent: Wednesday,25 June,2003 13:07
>To: rt-devel at lists.fsck.com
>I'm hoping someone can help me here. I am trying to learn how to use
>rt-crontool, I have written my own very basic Search and Condition
>modules and tried to use the RT::Action::SendEmail module. I am using
>it as follows:
>rt-crontool --search RT::Search::StatusMatches --search-arg resolved \
>--condition RT::Condition::ThisWeek --action RT::Action::SendEmail \
>--template-id 13 --verbose
>The error I get is:
>[Wed Jun 25 10:48:01 2003] [error]: error: unexpected end of header
> (/usr/share/perl5/RT/Template_Overlay.pm:345)
>for every ticket that matches my criteria.
>This error seems to be coming from the line:
> $self->{'MIMEObj'} = eval { $parser->parse_data($content) };
>Am I setting up the template incorrectly or is this a bug of some sort?
>I am using rt3.0.3 with MIME-tools 5.411.
>Thanks in advance,
>Stephen Quinney
>Here's the various modules and the template I've written:
>The template (id number 13):
>Name: notify_me
>Description: notify me of resolved tickets
>Content: some content could be here
>package RT::Condition::ThisWeek;
>use strict;
>use warnings;
>require RT::Condition::Generic;
>use vars qw/@ISA/;
>@ISA = qw(RT::Condition::Generic);
># currently this does not do anything except return true
>sub IsApplicable {
> return(1);
>package RT::Search::StatusMatches;
>use strict;
>use warnings;
>use base qw(RT::Search::Generic);
>sub Describe {
> my $self = shift;
> return ($self->loc("No description for [_1]", ref $self)); }
>sub Prepare {
> my $self = shift;
> $self->TicketsObj->LimitStatus(VALUE => $self->Argument) if
> return(1);
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