[rt-devel] Re: [BUG][major] It's now imposible search by two requestors.

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Sep 18 12:17:54 EDT 2003

On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 07:25:57PM +0400, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
> >
> >Can you please verify that this is also the case with stock RT 3.0.5?
> >
> Done. Same result. mySQL(4.0.last) can't finish this query in small time.

Thanks Grr. That was supposed to have bee nfixed.

> Sorry, but I track all your changes and there was only one delta 
> according to issue and no more. I just don't have time to finish with 
> repositories, when I do this I'll be send reports for current unstable 
> versions.

*nod* Over the years, I've had an awful lot of "bugs" reported to me
that turned out to be due to a site's particular customizations or the
"really, it's just like the released version" that they happen to be
using.  For paying customers, I'm happy to go the extra mile and do all
the debugging on my end, but there are just too many users for me to be
able to do it for everybody and still have time to sleep _and_ work on
new development ;)

> I hate users they are capricious :) Like me for you... :)


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