[rt-devel] RTFM 2.0.0-RC4 ; RT 3.0.6RC1

Jansen Robert rjansen at vub.ac.be
Tue Sep 23 11:15:13 EDT 2003

At 16:28 -0400 22-09-2003, Jesse Vincent wrote:
>RTFM 2.0.0 RC4 fixes a number of small issues and a couple of larger
>ones including the inability to display certain kinds of cross-article
>RT 3.0.6RC1 contains two small fixes that don't matter a whole bunch
>unless you're running RTFM. 1) Your signature is no longer included
>multiple times if you attach multiple things to a ticket update. 2) Link
>editing doesn't self destruct when RTFM URLs are presented.
>Both are immediately available.  It is quite likely that this will be
>the final Release Candidate before the release of RTFM 2.0.0.
>http://www.bestpractical.com/rt  -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.
>rt-devel mailing list
>rt-devel at lists.fsck.com

Mhhh,.... RTFM 2.0.0 RC4 fixed the "error:  Can't locate object 
method "IsLocal" via p.... snip.... " bug I submitted to the list ( 
Subject: "RT and RTFM RC3 errors" )

I can view and edit Articles again.
Thnx Jesse.

But the other error still stands:

testfield 1: RT :: FM ::ArticleCFValue= HASH (0x15b1aac)
is a SelectSingle
testfield 2: RT :: FM ::ArticleCFValue= HASH (0x15abbfc)
is a SelectMultiple
testfield 3: RT :: FM ::ArticleCFValue= HASH (0x15b1968)
is a FreeformSingle
testfield 4: RT :: FM ::ArticleCFValue= HASH (0x15b2dec)
is a FreeformMultiple

testfield 5  is a plain text field which displays OK.

nothing relevant in the log ( tail -f rt.log) when doing the article inclusion.

Any ideas ?


Brussels University
Pleinlaan 2
Computer Center VUB/ULB (VUBnet)
Ing. Robert Jansen
B-1050 Brussels
Belgium (Europe)

email: rjansen at vub.ac.be
Tel:  +32-2-650.36.94
Secr: +32-2-650.37.38
Fax:  +32-2-650.37.40

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