[rt-devel] RTFM 2.0.0-RC4 ; RT 3.0.6RC1

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri Sep 26 07:37:41 EDT 2003

> Just tested 3.0.6 and RTFM 2.0.0 from the devel directory.
> Nope,... still these HASH errors.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll try to get RTFM 2.0.1 out when I can.
Not sure when that will be. Boston RT training is today and I'm headed
out to the UK for about two weeks on Monday.


> Regards
> --------------------------
> Brussels University
> Pleinlaan 2
> Computer Center VUB/ULB (VUBnet)
> Ing. Robert Jansen
> B-1050 Brussels
> Belgium (Europe)
> email: rjansen at vub.ac.be
> Tel:  +32-2-650.36.94
> Secr: +32-2-650.37.38
> Fax:  +32-2-650.37.40
> --------------------------

http://www.bestpractical.com/rt  -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.

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