[rt-devel] RT::Date GMT vs Local

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 5 11:54:37 EDT 2004

On Mar 27, 2004, at 1:17 PM, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:

> Jesse Vincent wrote:
>> On Mar 27, 2004, at 7:02 PM, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
>>> Jesse Vincent wrote:
>>>> Looking at the current code, I don't think RT should fail in that 
>>>> way any more (it shouldn't convert a date into localtime anymore). 
>>>> Can you tell me if it still fails with 3.0.10rc1?
>>> Since I've installed svn+svk I use latest code from trunk. So it's 
>>> for latest version.
>>> I found problem it's in ticket's _DateLimit sub. It think that time 
>>> is local and convert it to GMT. It's good for web ui, but not for 
>>> code.
>> Ok. it should be handled at the UI layer, not the core. 3.0.10 has 
>> already been tagged, but I can revert it for 3.0.11. Want to bounce 
>> me a patch?
> For this no. I've got a lot of ideas where to fix RT and allready have 
> started several sub_projs. I wait for fix and do other stuffs.
> 		Good luck. Ruslan.

Does this change fix it for you?

Index: /local/rt-3.0/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay.pm
--- /local/rt-3.0/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay.pm  (revision 1123)
+++ /local/rt-3.0/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay.pm  (local)
@@ -368,6 +368,7 @@
    # FIXME: Replace me with RT::Date( Type => 'unknown' ...)
    my $time = Time::ParseDate::parsedate( $value,
                         UK => $RT::DateDayBeforeMonth,
+                       GMT => 1,
                         PREFER_PAST => $RT::AmbiguousDayInPast,
                         PREFER_FUTURE => !($RT::AmbiguousDayInPast),
                          FUZZY => 1

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