[rt-devel] Problem accessing attachments on Queue Change (in a scrip)

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Tue Apr 6 13:48:23 EDT 2004

Kouprie, Robbert wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm running RT 3.0.10 and I am trying to setup a scrip that reads the 
> original e-mail *on queue change*, and pulls information from it (for 
> example to fill in some CustomFields). However I ran into some problems 
> accessing the original e-mail content.
What does it mean? When queue changes you don't have any current 
content. Do you want first email's content which belong to ticket? See 
below you get it yourself with:
> I've tried different scrips, including some self-written ones from 
> examples on the rt-users list, and also the ExtractCustomFieldValues 
> scrip (from 
> http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/~pape/rt3/ExtractCustomFieldValues.tgz), but 
> I keep having the same problem: 
> $self->TransactionObj->Attachments->First is always empty!
> The database contents is ok, and I never ran anything (like perl <5.8) 
> that corrupted it.
> I tried this home-made scrip:
> Condition: On Queue Change
> Custom Condition: (empty)
> Action: User Defined
> Custom action preparation code:
> 1;
> Custom action cleanup code:
You don't need this in User Defined custom action code:
> require RT::Action::Generic;
> use strict;
> use vars qw/@ISA/ <mailto:qw/@ISA/>;
> @ISA=qw(RT::Action::Generic);
This too useless.

> my $messages = $self->TransactionObj->Attachments;
> if (not $messages->First) {
>   $RT::Logger->debug("Can't find ticket's first e-mail!");
>   return 1;
> } else {
>     $RT::Logger->debug("OK");
> }
> return 1;
> Stage: TransactionCreate
> With this scrip I _always_ get "Can't find ticket's first e-mail!". The 
> problem seems to be that the Transaction that is created *on queue 
> change* doesn't return anything when questioned for Attachments.
This transaction has no attachments! What should be in attachment when 
queue changes?

> However, when I replace:
>     my $messages = $self->TransactionObj->Attachments;
> with:
>     my $messages = $self->TicketObj->Transactions->First->Attachments;
> the scrip is referring to the original "create" Transaction, and the 
> Attachments *will* be found.
sane behavior.

> Is this wanted behaviour, and why is this the case? Why is an Attachment 
> a property of a Transaction, instead of a Ticket? Is there a short way 
> to access all Attachments of a Ticket, regardless of which Transactions 
> they're in?
I don't understand why you need it.
$self->TransactionObj - it's current transaction which triggered condition.
$self->TicketObj->Transactions - it's collection of all ticket's 

> Thanks in advance,
> Robbert
> --
> Robbert Kouprie
> Technical University of Delft
> The Netherlands
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