[Rt-devel] Who should call RT::EmailParser::LookupExternalUserInfo()?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Aug 25 12:31:48 EDT 2004

I'm working integrating RT into our LDAP infrastructure, and ran into
a question.  The function RT::EmailParser::LookupExternalUserInfo()
seem to be intended for one of the features we need.  I want to map
mail address to local username when a new user is to be created when a
new mail is recieved.  But this function do not seem to be used.

Which part of the code is supposed to call this function?  I suspect
Email/Auth/MailFrom.pm is the best place to insert the call.  Is this
patch on the right track?

--- lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/MailFrom.pm     2004-03-28 06:04:08.000000000 +0200
+++ local/lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/MailFromPere.pm   2004-08-25 18:29:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -36,11 +36,27 @@
                  @_ );

-    # We don't need to do any external lookups
+    my $Username = undef;
     my ( $Address, $Name ) = ParseSenderAddressFromHead( $args{'Message'}->head );
+    my ($UserFoundInExternalDatabase, %ExternalUserInfo) =
+       RT::EmailParser::LookupExternalUserInfo( undef, $Address, $Name );
+    if ($UserFoundInExternalDatabase) {
+       $Username = $ExternalUserInfo{'Name'} if $ExternalUserInfo{'Name'};
+       $Address  = $ExternalUserInfo{'EmailAddress'}
+           if ($ExternalUserInfo{'EmailAddress'});
+       $RealName = $ExternalUserInfo{'RealName'}
+           if ($ExternalUserInfo{'RealName'});
+    }
     my $CurrentUser = RT::CurrentUser->new();
-    $CurrentUser->LoadByEmail($Address);

+    # Try username first
+    $CurrentUser->LoadByName($Username) if $Username;
+    unless ( $CurrentUser->Id ) {
+       $CurrentUser->LoadByEmail($Address);
+    }
     unless ( $CurrentUser->Id ) {
@@ -117,7 +133,7 @@


-    $CurrentUser = CreateUser( undef, $Address, $Name, $Address, $args{'Message'} );
+    $CurrentUser = CreateUser( $Username, $Address, $Name, $Address, $args{'Message'} );

     return ( $CurrentUser, 1 );

With this modification, I'm able to use a replacement
RT::EmailParser::LookupExternalUserInfo() function (in my local
EmailParser_Local.pm) to look up the username in LDAP and get RT to
behave as I want.  If this change is correct, please include it in the
next version of RT.

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