[Rt-devel] UserDefined scrip action

Jan Okrouhly okrouhly at civ.zcu.cz
Thu Dec 9 10:10:25 EST 2004


we use RT 3.2.2 and meet big troubles with custom action scrips - it works
only sometimes (maybe just only once). This example for is i.e. not
working well if used in Scrip for specific Queue.
Is this approach wrong/where is the problem?
I (customer) doesn't want to use additional files like yours good one
Action/NotifyGroup.pm, because the LoadedGroup will change depending on
some ticket info (Customer CustomFields)...

Prepare part:
----- cut here -----
package RT::Action::tmp;
use strict;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
require RT::Action::Notify;
@ISA = qw(RT::Action::Notify);
sub SetRecipients {
    my $self = shift;

    my ($group);
    my @Bcc;

    $group = new RT::Group($RT::SystemUser);
    $group->LoadUserDefinedGroup("RT AdminCc");

    unless ($group->Id ) {
        $RT::Logger->warning("Searching Group Global AdminCc failed, can't set recipients!\n");


    my $members = $group->UserMembersObj();
    while (my $member = $members->Next()) {

        my $user = $member->EmailAddress;
        if ($user && ! ( grep (/^$user$/, @Bcc) ) ) {
                push ( @Bcc, $user );

    if ($RT::UseFriendlyToLine) {
            push (
                sprintf($RT::FriendlyToLineFormat, "GroupNotify", $self->TicketObj->id),

    if ($RT::NotifyActor) {
        # Do not send notification to the crator of the transaction
        my $creator;
        $creator = $self->TransactionObj->CreatorObj->EmailAddress() if ($self->TransactionObj);
        # override possible 'Bcc'

        @{$self->{'Bcc'}} = grep (!/^$creator$/, @Bcc);
    } else {
        @{$self->{'Bcc'}} = @Bcc;    }

    $RT::Logger->warning("GroupNotify Bcc is:".join(',',@{$self->{'Bcc'}})."\n");

    return (1)


my $tmpscrip;
$tmpscrip = new RT::Action::tmp(
TransactionObj => $self->{'TransactionObj'},
TemplateObj => $self->{'TemplateObj'},
TicketObj => $self->{'TicketObj'},
ScripObj => $self->{'ScripObj'},
Type => $self->{'Type'},
CurrentUser => $self->CurrentUser,

$self->{'tmpscrip'} = $tmpscrip;

my $res=$tmpscrip->Prepare();
#use Data::Dumper;
return $res;
----- cut here -----
Commit part is only:
----- cut here -----
----- cut here -----

Jan Okrouhlý

//------------------------------------\-\-\+\-\-\---okrouhly at civ.zcu.cz-\\
|Laboratory for Computer Science           |    phone: +420 377 632 837  |
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+---------------------------------------73-!-de-OK1INC at OK0PPL.#BOH.CZE.EU+
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 \\___________________CESNET z.s.p.o.______|_location: Zikova 4, Prague_//

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