[rt-devel] Draft patch to add references and in-reply-to parsing

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Jan 28 05:28:30 EST 2004

[Ruslan U. Zakirov]
> Msgids is good idea, but it's really for ideal world only.  There is
> one known problem in such behavior. Often users use reply button to
> create new one ticket.

I am aware of the problem, but suspect people doing this would learn
that it isn't a good idea when their request is closed because it was
filed with the wrong ticket. :)

> RT don't have split tool. So you should check Subject alsow.

It would be nice if one could undo a ticket merge, as there will be
cases where two tickets are merged by mistake.

> Here is something like
> my $Attachs = $RT::Attachments->new($RT::SystemUser);
> $Attachs->Limit(FIELD => 'ContentType',
> 	OPERATOR => '=',
> 	VALUE => 'text/plain'
> );
> $Attachs->Limit(FIELD => 'ContentType',
> 	OPERATOR => '=',
> 	VALUE => 'text/html'
> );
> $Attachs->Limit(FIELD => 'Parent', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => '0');
> my $trs = $Attachs->NewAlias('Transactions');
> my $tis = $Attachs->NewAlias('Tickets');
> $Attachs->Join(
>              ALIAS1 => 'main',
>              FIELD1 => 'TransactionId',
>              ALIAS2 => $trs,
>              FIELD2 => 'id'
> );
> $Attachs->Join(
>              ALIAS1 => $trs,
>              FIELD1 => 'Ticket',
>              ALIAS2 => $tis,
>              FIELD2 => 'id'
> );
> $Attachs->Limit( ALIAS => $trs,
> 	FIELD => 'Type',
> 	OPERATOR => '=',
> 	VALUE => 'Comment'
> );
> $Attachs->Limit( ALIAS => $trs,
> 	FIELD => 'Type',
> 	OPERATOR => '=',
> 	VALUE => 'Correspond'
> );
> ........
> I hope you could continue this...

Thank you for your suggestion.  I'll try to continue, but do not
really know this DBDx module API yet.

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