[rt-devel] create tickets per script

Tina Schade tina.schade at gmx.de
Wed Jan 28 07:52:28 EST 2004


I have to put a lot of datasets from the Keystone-Help-Desk System to RT. 
Therefor I want to write Perl-Scripts. Now I´am testing how to write data 
with scripts into rt using the rt-modules. 
The content of tickets I makes problems to me. 
The ticket-content is stored at attachments and is linked over the 
transactions. First I tried it this way:

# Modules which used
use RT::Tickets;
use MIME::Entity;

# initialise Ticket-Object
my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $ticketId = $ticket->Create(	Queue => 6,
				Requestor => 33,
				Cc => 24,
				AdminCC => 26,
				Owner => 29,
				Subject => 'Test 4 mit perl',
				Starts => localtime(),
				Priority => 20
				MIMEObj => $mimeObj);

But I get always this error:
syntax error at /home/borsti/Documents/perl/RT_test/Ticket.pl line 34, near 
Execution of /home/borsti/Documents/perl/RT_test/Ticket.pl aborted due to 
compilation errors.

Then I tried it this way. It works, but I think it is circumstantially.

# Modules which used
use RT::Tickets;
use MIME::Entity;

# initialise Ticket-Object
my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);

# now I want to put the content in table Attachments
# the only way: load the ticket and fetch its transactionId, a new ticket has 
only the
# transactionid to the transactiontype Create
# load ticket, method return the id, also when put an id to the load-function
my $ticketId = $ticket->Load(39);
my $subject = $ticket->Subject();
# get transactionId from ticket which transactiontype is Create
my $tTypeId = GetCreateTransactionId($ticketId);

# create a new attachment to the transactionID
my $attachment = RT::Attachment->new($RT::SystemUser);
# content are in a MIME::Entity
my $mimeObj = MIME::Entity->new();
    Type => 'text/plain',
    Data => 'hoffentlich klappts',
    Subject => $subject);
my $attId = $attachment->Create(Attachment => $mimeObj, Parent => 0, 
TransactionId => 115);

# SUB 
# get Create-TransactionId from a Ticket, Takes a TicketId
sub GetCreateTransactionId  {
    my $tId = shift( @_ ); # uebergebende Id auslesen
    my $transactions = RT::Transactions->new($RT::SystemUser); # new instance 
of transactions
    $transactions = $ticket->Transactions(); # fetch transactions to this 
    print( "Transactions zu Ticket ID = $ticketId sind: $transactions.\n" );

    # now seperate the transactions, here I know that there is only one 
transaction, which type      # is 'Create'! Actually I have to control the 
type of the transaction
    my $transaction = $transactions->NewItem(); # new instance of transaction
    $transaction = $transactions->Next();
    while ($transaction != ()) {
    	my $taType = $transaction->Type();
	if ($taType eq 'Create') {
	    my $id = $transaction->id();
	    return $id;
	else {
	    return undef;
        $transaction = $transactions->Next();

Can someone help me please? What is the simpliest way?

Greetings Tina

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