[rt-devel] Transmission of old datasets

Tina Schade tina.schade at gmx.de
Fri Jan 30 05:39:21 EST 2004


I have some problems to put old datasets into rt.
First way I think I create for every request a new ticket. But there I have 
the problem with the lastupdated. This is always the aktually date. And it 
looks strange when the ticket was closed a year ago and at LastUpdated you 
can read the actuall date!

Then I find the function "Import". Thats fine I thought. Now I have a problem 
with the requestor. I can´t put an requestor to the function import like this 
$ticket->Import(  id => ...,
			Requestor => 'xyz',
I tried it with arrays and hashes but no success!

Also this way doesn´t work: To import the ticket first and later to add a 
requestor with the function "AddWatcher(%params)". But I think here, first I 
have to create a transaction for this ticket. Is thats right? Does I have to 
have a transaction with type "Create" for the imported ticket?
Maybe it´s up to me, becaue I don´t understand how rt stores the watchers to a 
ticket in the database.

I would happy, when someone have an idea to resolve my problems.


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