[Rt-devel] mails to empty list, 3.2

matthew zeier mrz at intelenet.net
Fri Jul 2 11:56:56 EDT 2004

>>> What was in RT's logs for that message id?
>> Set($LogToSyslog    , 'debug');
>> syslog doesn't show anything like that - is there a different log 
>> level I
>> should be using?
> It logs to the syslog service. You may have syslog configured to put
> information in /var/log/messages, for example.

You misunderstand - RT's logging to syslog just fine but it's not 
logging the "message id" that you asked for (infact, no errors after I 
upgraded Text::Quote).  It's set to "debug" which appears to be the 
lowest log level, unless there's another one that tells me "message 

matthew zeier - "Nothing in life is to be feared.  It is only to be
understood." - Marie Curie

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