[Rt-devel] A problem with rt-crontool

Hans K hk at circlestorm.org
Mon Jul 5 05:16:28 EDT 2004

> > I have tried (among a lot of others) this:
> > /usr/rt3/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue
> > --search-arg no-Support --action RT::Action::EscalatePriority --verbose
> Tail your database log while this runs. What's it do to the database
> when it runs?

9 Connect     rt_user at localhost on rt3
9 Query       SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE Name = 'RT_System'
9 Query       SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE Name = 'Nobody'
9 Query       SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE Gecos = 'root'
9 Quit


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