[Rt-devel] migration from 2.0.15 to 3.2.0 nearly flawless

Markus Oestreicher m.oe at x-trader.de
Tue Jul 6 11:57:56 EDT 2004

I did the upgrade 2.0.15 -> 3.20 myself yesterday.

Some notes from me:

- I had to clear var/mason_data to see the new Search page

- I had to add the "www" user manually to the "rt" group so
  that the FastCGI handler could find the config file.

- When playing with the new Query builder I could not build
  up an "OR" condition. The second condition will always be
  added with AND and the "And/Or" button is without function.
  Is this a known bug?
I did never try 3.0.x but 3.2.0 has many nice improvements
over 2.0.15. Great work!


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