[Rt-devel] Replacing WebExternalAuthInfo in 3.0.11

Bob Goldstein bobg at uic.edu
Thu Jul 8 18:06:20 EDT 2004

I didn't see this in the top of your file:

package RT::Interface::Web;

Without it, I think your new subroutine is in the wrong namespace.


>I'm a new RT user and have been digging into the docs and code. Great 
>stuff online in the wiki.
>Our RT instance picks up REMOTE_USER from apache and auto creates a new 
>account as needed.
>I am trying to replaced the WebExternalAutoInfo method found in Web.pm 
>with one that will map LDAP attribs from our corporate directory to the 
>accounts created in RT. I'm doing so by creating Web_Local.pm with my 
>own WebExternalAutoInfo defined. I place the Web_Local.pm file in the 
>same directory as the Web.pm file and have verified that Web.pm 
>correctly finds and loads Web_Local.pm after RT is restarted.
>I know WebExternalAutoInfo in Web.pm is called when a new user is 
>created because of the RT::Logger->debug statement I added to verify RT 
>calls it. This tells me my RT_SiteConfig is correct.
>What fails is the WebExternalAutoInfo method in Web_Local.pm does not 
>override the previously defined WebExternalAutoInfo method in Web.pm.
>Taking a look at the included Web_Local.pm can anyone give me hints as 
>to why my WebExternalAutoInfo method isn't being called by RT?
>Thanks much.
>no warnings qw(redefine);
>use strict;
>=head2 WebExternalAutoInfo($user);
>Returns a hash of user attributes, used when WebExternalAuto is set.
># {{{ sub WebExternalAuthInfo
>sub WebExternalAutoInfo {
>         my $user = shift;
>         my %user_info;
>         $user_info{'Privileged'} = 1;
>         # some debug where real code will some day go
>         $user_info{'RealName'} = "John Doe";
>         $RT::Logger->debug("Gather info for $user");
>         return {%user_info};
># }}}
>Scott Russell <lnxgeek at us.ibm.com>
>IBM Linux Technology Center
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