[Rt-devel] Subversion path changes

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 13 15:29:55 EDT 2004

After a fair bit of internal debate, we've settled on a new 
repository layout. It's not ideal, but I'm not sure we'll get an ideal
solution until subversion supports native symlinks. With this solution,
when an RT release hits a version bump, you'll need to execute a simple 
'svn switch' command to move your checkout to the "new branch."  Once
subversion has a release that supports native symlinks, we should be
able to relieve the need for the "svn switch"

[Repository Layout]

    /rt/README.LAYOUT        # this document ;)

        `==> /rt/tags/3.2.0
        -> /rt/3.2-MAINT   
        `==> /rt/tags/3.2.23
        -> /rt/3.4-RELEASE
        -> /rt/3.4-MAINT
        -> /rt/3.5-TESTING
        -> /rt/3.6-RELEASE
        -> /rt/3.6-MAINT
        -> /rt/3.99-TESTING 
        -> /rt/4.0-RELEASE
        -> /rt/4.0-MAINT

Level tags:
    EXPERIMENTAL: Revision-numbered snaps. Codename based labels.
        - Not to be relied upon
        - Has all the latest cool features, which may not make it into a
    TESTING: Odd minor version
        - Featureset slush.
        - Recommended for new development and test deployments
    RELEASE: Even minor version number
        - All bugfixes, minor features.
        - Loc-string changes discouraged.
        - Recommended for production deployment.
    MAINT: Even minor version number; always older than the current RELEASE 
        - only critical bugfixes. No loc-string changes unless critical.
        - Supported by Best Practical.
        - Not for new installations.

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