[rt-devel] [BUG] Email bounces when subject > 200 bytes

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Mar 1 09:47:10 EST 2004

On Mar 1, 2004, at 6:17 AM, Kouprie, Robbert wrote:

> But all other schema's also use fixed varchar's. So truncation is 
> definately
> needed, I'd say.
> So, to start somewhere, may I vote for inclusion of my original patch 
> for
> the case where Tickets.Subject overflows?

I agree that truncation is the right answer, but I think that we should 
be doing it at a lower layer (searchbuilder) so as to catch all the 
other cases where a varchar might overflow. SearchBuilder::Record has 
access to the length of each column through the _Accessible routine. 
What do you think about doing this in the generic insert/update code?


> -- Robbert
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