[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] Ticket Number Generation

Ted Serreyn ted at serreyn.com
Mon Mar 8 18:29:56 EST 2004

I can not seem to even get the auto_inc value working manually to set the
next ticket number generated.


A am trying to do the following:

Mysql rt3;
set INSERT_ID=20040308000;
ALTER TABLE Tickets AUTO_INCREMENT = 20040308000;

I would think that the next ticket should be id 20040308001, but I get back
my normal number?

Ted Serreyn                          262-363-9265
Serreyn Network Services, LLC        http://www.serreyn.com/

-----Original Message-----
From: rt-devel-admin at lists.fsck.com [mailto:rt-devel-admin at lists.fsck.com]
On Behalf Of Bruce Campbell
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 5:14 PM
To: rt-devel at lists.fsck.com
Subject: [rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] Ticket Number Generation

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Pat Steffensen wrote:

> it loaded and running (which was the opposite of painless), but don't want
> to start at number 1...I'd like a YYMMDDTicketNumber sort of syntax...any
> advice or direction would be greatfully apprecated!  Thanks,

Hrm, problem - wanting to have something other than bog-standard
id-from-Tickets-table.  It happens often enough, and why not allow free
text as the identifier.  It'd be easy enough to change the identifier
given to requestors/Ccs, and the inputs shown on the web.

Apart from upping the auto_inc value on the table each night, what other
solutions have people come up with?

                             Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
                   Systems/Network Engineer                             NCC
                 www.ripe.net - PGP562C8B1B             Operations/Security

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