[rt-devel] Temporary Files

Jonathon Padfield jpadfield at hotkey.net.au
Tue Mar 9 01:32:16 EST 2004

Firstly, I'm no expert in RT, I just got picked to look into why one of our 
servers running RT was slowing down.

One of the issues is that the /tmp directory is filling up with temporary 
files and directories.

I believe that the problem exists in the lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm module. The 
temporary file created has no unlink associated with it, and tempfile() is 
called in such a manner to prevent the file being automatically deleted on 
program exit or file closure.

I've written a small patch, but would appreciate somebody who's more 
experienced with the code to verify that the patch shouldn't break anything.

*** Web.pm      2003-09-26 06:31:07.000000000 +1000
--- Web.modded.pm       2004-03-09 16:05:36.000000000 +1100
*** 523,529 ****
          # on NFS and NTFS, it is possible that tempfile() conflicts
          # with other processes, causing a race condition. we try to
          # accommodate this by pausing and retrying.
!         last if ($fh, $temp_file) = eval { tempfile() };
          sleep 1;

--- 523,529 ----
          # on NFS and NTFS, it is possible that tempfile() conflicts
          # with other processes, causing a race condition. we try to
          # accommodate this by pausing and retrying.
!         last if ($fh, $temp_file) = eval { tempfile(UNLINK => 1) };
          sleep 1;

Secondly, I searched the archives, but didn't see any mention of this 
recently. Unfortunatly the server lists.bestpractical.com is listed in SPEWS 

		Jonathon Padfield

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