[rt-devel] How to add custom field
Kuldeep Singh Tomar
tomar at vcustomer.com
Tue Mar 30 09:23:24 EST 2004
Hi Matthew,
Yes, you are right. I need to display the value of custom field in web
interface given by mail or better to say parse it.
Thanks a lot for your answer and patch, I am looking into it and get
back to you soon.
Thanks again.
Matthew D. Stock wrote:
>Kuldeep Singh Tomar writes:
> > How can we add the value of custom field on submission of mail. I am
> > using rt3. Basically we are using some interface where we submit the
> > mail to rt-system and want to use the value of custom fields in our
> > rtsystem through this interface.
>Assuming you mean assign custom field values to tickets and not create new
>custom field values...
>Here's a patch for 3.0.9 that adds the ability to parse X- headers in
>email. It currently only uses MailFrom authentication. It will process
>several field types, most notably Select custom fields. Read the patch for
>details on use, but here are a couple of examples:
>X-owner: stock
>X-status: resolved
>X-customfoobar: flammable
>Jesse, are you interested in taking this as part of 3.0.x or as a contrib?
> -Matt
>diff -ur rt-3-0-9/lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/MailFrom.pm rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/MailFrom.pm
>--- rt-3-0-9/lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/MailFrom.pm Fri Feb 13 12:31:23 2004
>+++ rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/MailFrom.pm Thu Mar 11 15:45:25 2004
>@@ -45,7 +45,17 @@
> }
> if ( $CurrentUser->Id ) {
>+ my $Queue;
>+ if (defined($Queue = $args{'Queue'}) &&
>+ $Queue->IsWatcher(Type => 'AdminCC',
>+ PrincipalId => $CurrentUser->PrincipalId)) {
>+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Giving elevated privs" );
>+ return ( $CurrentUser, 2);
>+ } else {
>+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Normal privs" );
> return ( $CurrentUser, 1 );
>+ }
> }
>diff -ur rt-3-0-9/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm
>--- rt-3-0-9/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm Fri Feb 13 12:31:23 2004
>+++ rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm Fri Mar 12 14:45:51 2004
>@@ -331,6 +331,56 @@
> }
> # }}}
>+# {{{ ParseActionsFromHead
>+=head2 ParseActionsFromHead RT::Queue MIME::Header
>+Return an array of action value pairs. These pairs should be vetted here,
>+since they will be passed on to the Ticket methods.
>+sub ParseActionsFromHead {
>+ my $QueueObj = shift;
>+ my $head = shift;
>+ my @actions = ();
>+ # If we were asked about the status, check to see if it's valid for that
>+ # queue. If not, silently ignore the field.
>+ if (my $headerobj = $head->get('X-Status')) {
>+ chomp($headerobj);
>+ if ($QueueObj->IsValidStatus($headerobj)) {
>+ push @actions, 'Status', $headerobj;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ # We'll let the ticket code check to make sure it's ok to set the owner.
>+ if (my $headerobj = $head->get('X-Owner')) {
>+ chomp($headerobj);
>+ push @actions, 'Owner', $headerobj;
>+ }
>+ if (my $headerobj = $head->get('X-TimeTaken')) {
>+ chomp($headerobj);
>+ push @actions, 'TimeTaken', $headerobj;
>+ }
>+ # Sort out the custom field tags for this queue. We don't have a ticket
>+ # yet, so the tests on the values happens later.
>+ my $CustomFields = $QueueObj->CustomFields();
>+ while (my $CustomField = $CustomFields->Next()) {
>+ my $i=0;
>+ foreach my $headerobj ($head->get('X-'.$CustomField->Name)) {
>+ chomp($headerobj);
>+ $RT::Logger->debug("Found customfield $i " . $CustomField->Name);
>+ push @actions, $CustomField->Name . "-$i", $headerobj;
>+ $i++;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ return @actions;
>+# }}}
> # {{{ ParseAddressFromHeader
> =head2 ParseAddressFromHeader ADDRESS
>@@ -361,6 +411,70 @@
> # }}}
>+sub ProcessActions {
>+ my $CurrentUser = shift;
>+ my $Ticket = shift;
>+ my %actions = @_;
>+ my %seen;
>+ my $CustomFields = $Ticket->QueueObj->CustomFields();
>+ foreach my $action (keys %actions) {
>+ $RT::Logger->debug("Found an $action action");
>+ if ($action eq 'Owner') {
>+ chomp($actions{$action});
>+ $RT::Logger->debug("Setting new owner to " . $actions{$action});
>+ my ($success, $msg) = $Ticket->SetOwner($actions{$action}, "Force");
>+ if (!$success) {
>+ $RT::Logger->debug("SetOwner(): $msg");
>+ }
>+ }
>+ if ($action eq 'Status' && $Ticket->Status != $actions{$action}) {
>+ $Ticket->SetStatus($actions{$action});
>+ }
>+ my ($cfield, $index) = split('-',$action);
>+ while (my $CustomField = $CustomFields->Next) {
>+ my $name = $CustomField->Name;
>+ next if ($cfield ne $name);
>+ next if ($CustomField->Type !~ /^Select/);
>+ # Now that we have a custom field match, we need to make sure the
>+ # value is valid. This is complicated because of the various kinds
>+ # of fields. For the moment, I'm only going to deal with Select
>+ # fields, since that's all we use.
>+ #
>+ # We also assume that if ANY value of a multivalue custom field is
>+ # offered, that the complete set will be provided. In other words, we
>+ # empty out the values for that field, and set only the ones that
>+ # are in the headers.
>+ chomp($actions{$action});
>+ my $CustomFieldValues = $CustomField->Values();
>+ # If we have index 0, nuke all of the existing values.
>+ if ($CustomField->Type eq "SelectMultiple" &&
>+ !defined($seen{$CustomField->Name})) {
>+ $seen{$CustomField->Name} = 1;
>+ $RT::Logger->debug("Starting Delete loop");
>+ while (my $value = $CustomFieldValues->Next) {
>+ my ($status, $msg) =
>+ $Ticket->DeleteCustomFieldValue(Field => $CustomField->Id,
>+ Value => $value->Name);
>+ }
>+ }
>+ while (my $value = $CustomFieldValues->Next) {
>+ # Case insensitive match, to be friendly to the user.
>+ next if (lc($value->Name) ne lc($actions{$action}));
>+ my ($status, $msg) =
>+ $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $CustomField->Id,
>+ Value => $value->Name);
>+ last;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ }
> =head2 Gateway ARGSREF
>@@ -503,6 +617,7 @@
> for (@RT::MailPlugins) {
> my $Code;
> my $NewAuthStat;
> if ( ref($_) eq "CODE" ) {
> $Code = $_;
> }
>@@ -607,6 +722,17 @@
> }
> # }}}
>+ # {{{ If the user has enough privs, process action headers.
>+ my @actions = ();
>+ if ( $AuthStat == 2 ) {
>+ $RT::Logger->debug("We have the privs to look for actions!");
>+ @actions = ParseActionsFromHead($SystemQueueObj, $head);
>+ }
>+ # }}}
> # {{{ Warn someone if it's a loop
> # Warn someone if it's a loop, before we drop it on the ground
>@@ -663,7 +789,7 @@
> @Cc = ParseCcAddressesFromHead(
> Head => $head,
> CurrentUser => $CurrentUser,
>- QueueObj => $SystemQueueObj
>+ QueueObj => $SystemQueueObj
> );
> }
>@@ -672,7 +798,8 @@
> Subject => $Subject,
> Requestor => \@Requestors,
> Cc => \@Cc,
>- MIMEObj => $Message
>+ MIMEObj => $Message,
>+ @actions
> );
> if ( $id == 0 ) {
> MailError(
>@@ -706,11 +833,14 @@
> }
> my ( $status, $msg );
>+ ProcessActions($CurrentUser, $Ticket, @actions);
> if ( $args{'action'} =~ /^correspond$/ ) {
>- ( $status, $msg ) = $Ticket->Correspond( MIMEObj => $Message );
>+ ( $status, $msg ) = $Ticket->Correspond( MIMEObj => $Message,
>+ @actions);
> }
> else {
>- ( $status, $msg ) = $Ticket->Comment( MIMEObj => $Message );
>+ ( $status, $msg ) = $Ticket->Comment( MIMEObj => $Message,
>+ @actions);
> }
> unless ($status) {
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