[rt-devel] ShowMessageHeaders in <pre> ?

matthew zeier mrz at intelenet.net
Tue Mar 30 19:35:50 EST 2004

On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 07:25:49PM -0500, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> On Mar 29, 2004, at 7:29 AM, matthew zeier wrote:
> >In ShowTransactions, ShowMessageHeaders is wrapped in a <PRE> block.  
> >On a
> >lot of my tickets with multiple recipients, this mades for an ugly 
> >display,
> >scrolling off to the right.
> >
> >Why a <pre> instead of <code> ?
> From: Jesse <jesse at fsck.com>
> does the wrong thing in a <code> block.

What does "the wrong thing" mean?  

In ShowMessageHeaders, I've added:

# mrz, fix formatting
$content =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
$content .= "<br><br>\n";

right before $m->comp().

And the message headers come across as:

Subject: RE: [intelenet.net #21232] xxxxxxxxxx - possible 
infected host 
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 20:59:43 -0800
To: <intelenet-support at intelenet.net>, "Joe User" <joe at user.com>
From: "Joe User 2" <joe2 at user.com>

ps.  You've changed mail readers... all your email bodies come across to
Outlook Express as text attachements.

matthew zeier                        | "In mathematics you don't understand 
InteleNet Communications, Inc.       |  things.  You just get used to them." 
(949) 784-7904                       |       - John von Newmann

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