[Rt-devel] 3.0.11rc3: Insecure Dependency errors in log

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri May 28 14:26:25 EDT 2004

> I still see this error in both MIME::Entity and Text::Template with 3.0.11 
> final.

*nod* And there was just a note to rt-users that it was happening in
3.0.10 as well.  The thing I need to be able to debug this is a way to
reproduce it 100% of the time. With that, I should be able to turnaround
a fix pretty quickly.

> RT definetly fails to send mail, if a scrip dies in Text::Template so this 
> is severe!
> How can I help you to debug the issue?
> Dirk.


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