[Rt-devel] using standalone httpd to debug RT slowness

Hans K hk at circlestorm.org
Wed Sep 8 03:13:15 EDT 2004

> If you're interested in other's speed aswell, I might as well post my
> results before and after the 1.01 -> 1.10 upgrade the other day.
> 1.01: Average 2.35 Sec (Min: 2.27 Sec)
> 1.10: Average 0.86 Sec (Min: 0.77 Sec)
> So it's a speed boost of more than 250%.
> Unfortunately I we don't run RT on PgSQL, but I'll try the mentioned
> two indexes aswell.

I added the following two indexes to our mysql rt3 database, note that
I renamed the ones from the suggested pgsql setup since I want to remove
these again later to make sure the db schema is identical to that of
rt 3.2.1 again. I hope these and some deletions as suggested will be
part of the 3.2.2 upgrade.

CREATE INDEX Tickets7 ON Tickets (Status);
CREATE INDEX GroupMembers2 ON GroupMembers (GroupID);

Before: Average 0.84 Sec (Min: 0.82 Sec)
After:  Average 0.82 Sec (Min: 0.80 Sec)

The difference was small, but it was consistent.
Averages were calculated from 10 tests on each.

I'd like to test further Mysql enhancements, but only if there is
an easy way to revert the changes back to original again. After all
this is a production system.


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