[Rt-devel] [BUG][GUI] ShowPeople doesn't use ShowUserEntry

Ruslan U. Zakirov Ruslan.Zakirov at acronis.com
Fri Sep 24 11:20:53 EDT 2004

Jesse Vincent wrote:

> The problem with using it there is that it's expected that the component
> will contain hyperlinks.

In next release of 'Expanded Adminning' patch set(first variant is 
member_of.patch) I use next component:

%if( $AsLink ) {
<A href="<% $Link |n%>">
% }
% if ($User->EmailAddress && $User->EmailAddress ne $User->Name) {
% }
%if( $AsLink ) {
% }

$User => undef
$AsLink => 0
$LinkFormat => '/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=%d'
my $Link = '';
if( $AsLink ) {
         $Link = $RT::WebBaseURL . sprintf( "$LinkFormat", $User->Id );


Also I'm going to extend number of params with next variants:
	'Long' - as much info as possible

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