[Rt-devel] Problem with 3.5.2

Billy Dunn bdunn at bdunn.com
Wed Aug 3 11:02:56 EDT 2005

On Aug 3, 2005, at 9:35 AM, Alex Vandiver wrote:

> On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 09:12 -0500, Billy Dunn wrote:
>> I have upgraded to 3.5.2 and I'm having a strange error on the home
>> page just under "RT at a Glance".  I can't find any information about
>> this one after hours and hours of searching.  Has anyone seen this?
> It looks like the attributes table hasn't been populated with the
> HompageSettings attribute for each user.  Did you run all of the  
> upgrade
> scripts?  As upgrading section of the README says, running:
>   /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert --datadir etc/ 
> upgrade/
> ..should have taken care of this.
>  - Alex

I did run everything available to me... BUT, inside this path I only  
had one file called "content":


There were no sql files to run.  The content file contains this:


@Attributes = (
     { Name => 'Search - My Tickets',
       Description => '[_1] highest priority tickets I own',
       Content     =>
       { Format => "'<a href=\"__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html? 
id=__id__\">__id__</a>/TITLE:#', '<a href=\"$RT::WebPath/Ticket/ 
Display.html?id=__id__\">__Subject__</a>/TITLE:Subject', Priority,  
QueueName, ExtendedStatus",
         Query   => " Owner = '__CurrentUser__' AND ( Status = 'new'  
OR Status = 'open')",
         OrderBy => 'Priority',
         Order   => 'DESC' },
     { Name => 'Search - Unowned Tickets',
       Description => '[_1] newest unowned tickets',
       Content     =>
       { Format => "'<a href=\"__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html? 
id=__id__\">__id__</a>/TITLE:#', '<a href=\"__WebPath__/Ticket/ 
Display.html?id=__id__\">__Subject__</a>/TITLE:Subject', QueueName,  
ExtendedStatus, CreatedRelative, '<A HREF=\"__WebPath__/Ticket/ 
Display.html?Action=Take&id=__id__\">__loc(Take)__</a>/TITLE:&nbsp;' ",
         Query   => " Owner = 'Nobody' AND ( Status = 'new' OR Status  
= 'open')",
         OrderBy => 'Created',
         Order   => 'DESC' },
     { Name => 'HomepageSettings',
       Description => 'HomepageSettings',
       Content =>
       { 'body' =>
         [ { type => 'system', name => 'My Tickets' },
           { type => 'system', name => 'Unowned Tickets' },
           { type => 'component',  name => 'QuickCreate'},
         'summary' =>
           { type => 'component', name => 'MyReminders' },
           { type => 'component', name => 'Quicksearch' },
           { type => 'component', name => 'RefreshHomepage' },


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