[Rt-devel] Queue_Overlay::ValidateName in 3.2.2 vs 3.4.4

Jens Porup Jens.Porup at strategicdata.com.au
Thu Dec 1 00:41:23 EST 2005

I've just upgraded my customized RT 3.2.2 to 3.4.4, and
there's some sort of conflict with RT::Queue_Overlay::ValidateName.

After comparing the 3.2.2 version and the 3.4.4 version, it looks
like Queue_Overlay.pm is pretty much the same, with the following
change in sub ValidateName:

In 3.2.2:

	if ( $tempqueue->Name() ) {

in 3.4.4:

	if ( $tempqueue->Name() && $tempqueue->id != $self->id)  {

The new code gives me the following error:

	error:		Can't use string ("RT::Queue") as a HASH ref while "strict
	refs" in use at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 382.
	378:	*Id = \&id;
	380:	sub id {
	381:	my $pkey = $_[0]->_PrimaryKey();
	382:	$_[0]->{'values'}->{$pkey};
	383:	}
	385:	# }}}
	code stack:		/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm:382

BUT, reverting to the older code makes it go away.

What, then, is the significance of the '$tempqueue->id != $self->id)'
test? What problem was this designed to fix? How can I work around it?



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