[Rt-devel] PATCH: Set/Retrieve custom field value by CLI

lwang lwang at clusterfs.com
Fri Dec 30 03:17:38 EST 2005

Sorry, I don't reply to all previously.

Jesse Vincent wrote:
>>Any expert of RT, could you review my patch? This patch is against RT-3.5.5.
>>I will be very happy if the patch is accepted by the released RT-3.5.6.
> 3.5.6 is already out, but I understand the sentiment :)
>>+            else {
>>+                ($n, $s) = $ticket->_AddCustomFieldValue(
>>+                             Field => $cf, Value => $val );
>>+                $s =~ s/^# // if defined $s;
>>+            }
> That leading _ scares me. Any reason you're using the private
> _AddCustomFieldValue, rather than the public AddCustomFieldValue?

Yes, I don't like to call the private method.  But I found that 
AddCustomFieldValue doesn't return any code and message.  As you have 
seen, I need the return code and message.

Am I wrong?


- Wang

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