Fw: [Rt-devel] Native Japanese Support

Chris Li chris at meta4-group.com
Fri Jan 28 11:13:00 EST 2005

>> > We are using RT 3.2.2, Perl v5.8.3 and apache 2.0.51 on a fedora core 2 
>> > box
>> > The system response Japanese with messed code (my gut feeling is that 
>> > it
>> > cannot detect what is the origional code)
> That should be easy to check by looking at the characterset conversion
> headers in the mail RT stores.
> Jesse

The problem always happen when the incoming email is a shift-JIS one, and 
also when sending out email, the email sent is always UNICODE, which are 
definitely lack of support among the Japanese..

I would be greatful if I can change the outgoing email to a EUC / shiftJIS 
one :-)


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