[Rt-devel] bug? in RT 3.2.2 custom scrip with user defined condition fails

Stefan Fischer stefan at van-boxmer.de
Sat Jan 29 15:09:53 EST 2005


i am able to reproduce the problem on a fresh installation on another 
debian machine with RT 3.2.2. Creating a scrip with a custom condition like

return undef unless (($self->TransactionObj->Field eq '2') and
($self->TransactionObj->NewValue eq '20 Antrag eingetroffen'));

with an action like "reply to requestor with global template xy" fails 
with this error in syslog on modul /usr/share/perl5/IO/ScalarArray.pm 
line 350.

Jan 29 21:00:30 debian RT: 
<rt-3.2.2-1-18-15.16.6569934298182 at debian.homeunix.net>  #1/18 - Scrip 
15 AutoMsg (/usr/share/request-tracker3.2/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:231)
Jan 29 21:00:30 debian RT: 
<rt-3.2.2-1-18-15.16.6569934298182 at debian.homeunix.net> Could not send 
mail. -$/ as given is currently unsupported at 
/usr/share/perl5/MIME/Decoder/NBit.pm line 140  Stack: 

Is there another one who can reconstruct this error condition?

good byte!

Stefan Fischer schrieb:
> Hi,
> i have test it but with no luck. The error ist the same as described. A 
> function in /usr/share/perl5/IO/ScalarArray.pm on line 350 generates the 
> errror message. "$/ as given is currently unsupportet" But i don't know 
> why.
> Greetings
> - Stefan
> Eduard Rushanian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not sure but you can try following:
>> Custom Condition:
>> return undef unless (($self->TransactionObj->Field eq '2') and
>> ($self->TransactionObj->NewValue eq '20 Antrag eingetroffen'));
>> Best,
>> Eduard
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan Fischer" 
>> <stefan at van-boxmer.de>
>> To: <rt-devel at lists.bestpractical.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:04 PM
>> Subject: [Rt-devel] RT 3.2.2 custom scrip with user defined condition 
>> fails
>>> Hello,
>>> i have asked this problem a view days bevore in the rt-users section,
>>> but nobody could help me.
>>> I have a custom condition
>>> if (($self->TransactionObj->Type eq "CustomField") and
>>> ($self->TransactionObj->Field eq 2) and
>>> ($self->TransactionObj->NewValue eq "20 Antrag eingetroffen")) {
>>>  return(1);
>>> } else {
>>>  return(undef);
>>> }


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