[Rt-devel] Possible RT testing bug

Todd Chapman todd at chaka.net
Wed Mar 9 17:38:49 EST 2005

On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 06:10:41PM -0500, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > That type of problem looks to be somewhat common in the RT testing
> > code. 
> Really? I've not seen it much at all. patches are appreciated.
> Most of the place, the idiom is:

Well, I said somewhat. Not meant as a blanket criticism of RT's
code. And yes, I will try to send some patches.

> ($id,$msg) = RT::Foo->Bar();
> ok($id,$msg);
> > It has bugged me a little why RT doesn't use wantarray
> > or put error messages in global vaiables, so that it is easier
> > to call Create and the like in scalar context.
> Have a look at Class::ReturnValue, which is the library I wrote to
> enable just such functionality. But the time to retrofit it into code
> has been scarce.

Cool, I'll take  a look.

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