[Rt-devel] RE: Change email messages to NOT use from=<wwwrun

Alan Blake ablake at timptech.com
Thu Mar 24 19:07:20 EST 2005

The sender header - where in the Postfix mail log I see
from=<wwwrun>....to=<ablake at timptech.com>  

I can change the envelope easily through a scrip, I can't however, determine
where this wwwrun is being set.


-----Original Message-----
From: seph [mailto:seph at directionless.org] 
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 5:03 PM
To: Alan Blake
Cc: rt-devel at fsck.com
Subject: Re: Change email messages to NOT use from=<wwwrun

> Is there an easy way change it so emails sent from RT are sent through the
> mail server using a legitimate user and NOT the wwwrun or Apache user?

Are you asking about the Sender header or about the envelope from?


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