[rt-users] Re: [Rt-devel] DBD::Pg 1.41 still a no-go

Rainer Duffner rainer at ultra-secure.de
Sun May 8 08:58:31 EDT 2005

Jesse Vincent wrote:

>On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 06:54:24PM +0200, Rainer Duffner wrote:
>>I think it may be a bug in 3.4.2.
>>I'm using exactly the same combination (FreeBSD, Postgres 8.0.2) - but 
>>with RT3.4.1.
>>I *tried* 3.4.2RC1, but I got the same problems as Angelo and reverted 
>>back to 3.4.1
>I've tried to replicate this on RT 3.4.2 + DBD::Pg 1.41 + Pg 8.02. And I
>can't.  I'm afraid I can't do much more without more debugging
>information from y'all.

That's what I was suspecting: it's a misconfiguration (of my origin) 
I've customized my RT a bit, but only with mods from the wiki and mail-list.

I'll see what I can do.


~     Rainer Duffner - rainer at ultra-secure.de     ~
~           Freising - Munich - Germany           ~
~    Unix - Linux - BSD - OpenSource - Security   ~
~  http://www.ultra-secure.de/~rainer/pubkey.pgp  ~

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