[Rt-devel] [PATCH] DBIx-SB: _LoadFromSQL fix&cleanups

Ruslan U. Zakirov Ruslan.Zakirov at miet.ru
Sun May 22 06:29:11 EDT 2005

	Hello, all.
Here is new patch for trunk(applies with shift). Patch fixes issues in 
_LoadFromSQL method, tests that cover this issues I sent in previous mail.

_LoadFromSQL never reported error when PK fields are missed. Fixed.

fetchrow_hashref dies only when RaiseErrors is true, because we can 
control this from Handle obj so we should die according to 
$Handle->RaiseErrors property. Fixed.
When RaiseErrors is "false" then fetchrow_hashref returns undef and we 
should check $sth->err(see `perldoc DBI`). Fixed.

After call to fetchrow we should clean "fetched" internal hash and fill 
it only when we return successful result. Fixed.

If SimpleQuery fails, _LoadFromSQL method doesn't return any error 
message. Fixed.

Best regards, Ruslan.
-------------- next part --------------
=== SearchBuilder/Record.pm
--- SearchBuilder/Record.pm  (revision 1655)
+++ SearchBuilder/Record.pm  (local)
@@ -1096,31 +1096,28 @@
     #TODO this only gets the first row. we should check if there are more.
-    unless ($sth) {
-        return($sth);
-    }
+    return ( 0, "Couldn't execute query" ) unless $sth;
-    eval { $self->{'values'} = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; };
-    if ($@) {
-        warn $@;
+    $self->{'values'} = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+    $self->{'fetched'} = {};
+    if ( !$self->{'values'} && $sth->err ) {
+        return ( 0, "Couldn't fetch row: ". $sth->err );
     unless ( $self->{'values'} ) {
         return ( 0, "Couldn't find row" );
-    foreach my $f ( keys %{$self->{'values'}||{}} ) {
-        $self->{'fetched'}{lc $f} = 1;
-    }
     ## I guess to be consistant with the old code, make sure the primary  
     ## keys exist.
-    eval { $self->PrimaryKeys(); };
-    if ($@) {
-        return ( 0, "Missing a primary key?: $@" );
+    if( grep { not defined } $self->PrimaryKeys ) {
+        return ( 0, "Missing a primary key?" );
+    foreach my $f ( keys %{$self->{'values'}} ) {
+        $self->{'fetched'}{lc $f} = 1;
+    }
     return ( 1, "Found Object" );

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