[Rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] Modification: Showing tickets in queues you watch on the front page

Andy Moran andy at wildbrain.com
Mon Oct 3 20:44:42 EDT 2005

Okay I didn't get any response on this so I'm gonna include rt-devel and
see if I get any bites.

I found code to do it for RT2, but it breaks under Rt3:

my $userEmail = $session{'CurrentUser'}->EmailAddress;
my $queueCount = 0;
my $Queues = new RT::Queues($session{'CurrentUser'});

my $Tickets = new RT::Tickets ($session{'CurrentUser'});
$Tickets->LimitOwner(VALUE => "Nobody");
$Tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => "resolved", OPERATOR => '!=');
$Tickets->LimitStatus(VALUE => "dead", OPERATOR => '!=');

while (my $queue = $Queues->Next) {
                 my $watcherEmails = $queue->Watchers()->EmailsAsString();
     next if $watcherEmails !~ /\b$userEmail/;
     $Tickets->LimitQueue(VALUE => $queue->id);

$Tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'Priority', ORDER => 'DESC');

The Rt3 way seems to be about using query strings.. but I'm missing the
part where I'm searching all queues that the current user is a watcher on.

Any help would be awesome.. thanks!


Andy Moran wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm setting up an Rt3 instance.  I'd like to change the front page for
> privileged users so instead of showing "X newest onowned tickets", it
> only shows "X newest unowned tickets in the queues I watch.."
> I know I need to copy share/html/Elements/MyRequests to
> local/html/Elements/MyRequests and modify it somehow to only show queues
> that the person logged in is a watcher on.   But I don't wanna learn the
> entire RT API to just change this one bit.. If anyone could tell me the
> code I need, I'd be grateful.. thanks!
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