[Rt-devel] Default charset for table Links : key length (in bytes)

Ruslan Zakirov ruslan.zakirov at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 19:06:52 EDT 2005

I think you talk about MySQL 4.1 and it's very important because 4.0
has different CHARACTER SETs subsystem. Please, next time be more

How did you configure your mysql server? Is default charest UTF-8 for
your server?

Anyway your analyze of the problem is correct.

On 10/20/05, Jérôme Fenal <jfenal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> trying to restore a rt-3.4 database on a new (MySQL) server, I
> encountered a small problem : encoding and charset for table Links.
> The Links table has two varchar fields, Base and Target, which are 240
> _characters_ long.
> I had created _manually_ the new db, using :
>   create database mytest DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;
> I thought setting the charset was clever. However, at restore time, I had :
>   ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 1024 bytes
> Seems that up to 4 bytes characters (with utf8) is too much as Base
> and Target may result for key Links1 in (240 * 4 + 240 * 4 + 11) =
> 1931 bytes.
> Sure it exceed InnoDB max key size. FYI, MyISAM limit is 1000 bytes,
> BDB is 255 bytes.
> I know that this should not be an issue as the MySQL DB is created
> without asking MySQL for any charset in rt-setup-database, resulting
> in a latin1 encoded database.
> This is still not an issue as these two field should contain only
> ASCII data (such as fsck.com-rt://example.com/ticket/1750).
> But this may a problem be in the future, especially if non ASCII/Latin
> users set up a Unicode RT domain name.
> Therefore this mail for reference and not (yet?) a bug report.
> I'll try to post a page about this on the wiki next week (backup _and_
> restore for MySQL ?)
> Regards,
> J.
> --
> Jérôme Fenal - jfenal AT gmail.com - http://fenal.org/
> Paris.pm - http://paris.mongueurs.net/
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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