[Rt-devel] Extending the DB Schema

Joby Walker joby at u.washington.edu
Tue Oct 25 14:34:34 EDT 2005

Yeah we're using attributes for many things, but I want this to run as
fast as possible, and while faster than parsing the transactions for a
ticket this would still require loading this attribute for each ticket
displayed on the page.  Additionally, I'm trying to minimize the number
of DB queries per page load...

Joby Walker
ITI SSG, University of Washington

Stephen Turner wrote:
> Hi Joby,
> We've shied away from modifying core RT tables - we've ben afraid it
> would make upgrades much more painful. We've extended some tables by
> using attributes instead. You can mod the perl code to make the API look
> as though the attributes are fields in the table.
> Good luck,
> Steve
> At Tuesday 10/25/2005 01:54 PM, Joby Walker wrote:
>> I'm looking at adding a couple fields to the tickets table and I want to
>> make sure I understand how to properly link those fields in with RT and
>> DBIx::SearchBuilder.

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