[Rt-devel] Re: Search/Build.html Query Builder problem

Michael Gilbert mdgilb at u.washington.edu
Fri Oct 28 18:38:03 EDT 2005

Apologies, after a closer look at the previous email I found the 
attachment with the proposed solution, so all is once again well.

Michael Gilbert wrote:

> Hello,
> I am running into an issue that appears to have been mentioned briefly 
> in a seperate message at 
> http://lists.bestpractical.com/pipermail/rt-devel/2005-August/007507.html.  
> Basically, if I want a Query as follows:
> Queue = 'Queue1'
>    AND    (
>        (  'CF.{Severity}' LIKE 'Sev1' AND 'CF.{NOC::Class}' LIKE 'NS' )
>        OR            * I'm the one that gets changed
>        (  Status = 'open' AND 'CF.{NOC::Class}' LIKE 'NS' )
>    )
> And enter it into the Edit Query page (Search/Edit.html) the middle OR 
> gets changed to an AND, and no matter how many times I change it back 
> to OR it will never stay that way.  I'm wondering if the solution that 
> was mentioned in the above post has been implemented in any builds so 
> far, or if it hasn't if anyone can give a hint about what I might need 
> to change in order to get this working properly.
> I appreciate any help you can give, thanks,
> Michael Gilbert

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