[Rt-devel] My current favorite best-practice for RT extensions ([fwd] Announce: per-queue branding for RT)

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Apr 4 11:53:58 EDT 2006

> > It's more about declaring extensions that are in RT::Core::Module
> > namespaces inside your extensions's lib file.
> Why do that? If you remove the declaration you don't really get
> the benefit of disabling the extension because all the componentes
> (especially callbacks) are in place. Wouldn't it be better to use
> of the the pluggable modules to auto-require the install extensions?

That's somewhat unrelated. I'm talking about keeping extensions'
RT core module overlays bundled together.  Using the various "plugin"
systems on CPAN would currently lose you the ability to order which
things are loaded first, which can sometimes be a concern.

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