[Rt-devel] Configuring home page components for all users

Rangarajan Radhakrishnan rangarajan.radhakrishnan at bms.com
Wed Apr 5 10:40:07 EDT 2006

Is there any way one can change the default home page configuration for 
all users.

I can change the configuration for myself by going to home page and 
clicking Preferences, then click "RT at a glance" which brings up 
configuration section. But this needs to be done for all users, 
including ones that may get added in future.

Changing "Homepagecomponents" in RT_Config.pm or redefining 
Homepagecomponents in RT_SiteConfig.pm does not seem to help.
I can probably use a kluge (which I am trying to avoid) where I can 
change the following portion in /Elements/MyRT by ignoring some portlets:
% for my $portlet (@{$portlets->{body}}) {
<% _show($portlet) %>
<br />
% }

I am trying to remove "10 newst unowned tickets",  "10 highest priority 
tickets I own" and "QuickCreate" from the home page.

Is there a better way?


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