[Rt-devel] Display Ticket number before actually creating the ticket

Duncan Shannon dshannon at techfluent.com
Thu Apr 6 08:16:46 EDT 2006

>I would like to get the ticket number as soon as I press the "Create >Ticket" button rather then waiting till actual ticket creation. This is >important in context like following. Say you get a call from one of your >customers and he complains about a issue in your system and you want to >create a ticket for that issue in your RT and give the reference no of the >ticket to the customer on the fly. Since it can take some time to fill all >the fields and create a ticket it is important if you can get the ticket no >as soon  as you click "create ticket" button, then you can say bye to the >customer quickly, rather then keeping him unnecessarily till the ticket is >actually created. 

Does it not work well to create the basics (email addr, problem report etc), hit create, give the ticket number, and then go back and fill in the fileds?

I would imagine there is something to keeping the tickets in order or using the numbers smartly in keeping the ticket number give after the actual ticket is created.


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