[Rt-devel] RT Roll Back

Winn Johnston winn_johnston at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 12 16:28:39 EDT 2006

Are suppoesed to bottom post?

Anyway i have nailed down an issue. It seems on the
development machine i am using, when i issue a
mysqladmin variables have_innodb says NO. And after
relizing the RT takes advantage of InnoDB i think i
have found the culprit. However just to verify a few
things. I was able to get RT up and running but when
it came time for me to update a ticket it failed. So i
am guessing that only a few tables are set to
Type=InnoDB, would someone be able support this theory
as being the reason i could not update a ticket? Also
could somone identify which tables in v 3.4.5 are set
to InnoDB and which are not?

Winn Johnston

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