[Rt-devel] InnoDB Support (mandatory?)

Winn Johnston winn_johnston at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 13 10:52:54 EDT 2006

--- Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 09:46:02PM -0700, Winn
> Johnston wrote:
> > Is it possible to disable the need for InnoDB
> support
> > in the 3.4.5 version of RT? If it is not what
> would be
> > the last version of RT that did not need it be?
> It would be a poor idea to run RT on MySQL without
> InnoDB. Why are you
> looking to avoid it?
> Jesse
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Winn Johnston
> > 

Devel Group,

My superviser has an issue with InnoDB, please take a
second and view his note...

<superviser's note>
MyISAM remains MySQL's default choice regardless of
InnoDB being available in it for years.
Oracle bought Innobase, the company that owns InnoDB,
calling in to question its long-term viability in
Oracle's competitor MySQL.
We use multiple terrabytes of mysql databases and have
had better resiliance from MyISAM.

I'm not looking for unsubstantiated opinions about the
general technical merits of InnoDB versus MyISAM; the
subject has been beaten to death. I want to know what,
specifically, will malfunction or work suboptimally in
RT if MyISAM is chosen instead of InnoDB.


</superviser note>

His specific question is "I want to know what,
specifically, will malfunction or work suboptimally in
RT if MyISAM is chosen instead of InnoDB?"

Thanks In Advance
Winn Johnston

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